
Director: Anthony Teodoseo

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Handgun shooting is offered year-round, either outdoors or by taking advantage of our heated, enclosed shooting houses located on both the twenty five yard and fifty yard firing ranges

Our opportunities and facilities for handgun practice, training and competitive shooting lead the region. With several outside training organizations offering C.C.W. classes and Professional Shooting Development and Training on a regular basis at LSSA, you too can be better trained or better equipped.


Lima SABRES provides ample opportunity for handgun practice, training and shooting. Seasonal Club Level programs include:


The Lima SABRES Modified Practical Pistol Competition is an entry level practical/tactical pistol shoot that allows those with limited equipment to participate in an action shooting event.
We offer a semi-auto and revolver division, giving you the opportunity to test your skills with either one or both, on the second Sunday of each month; May through October. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m., shooting starts at 9:00 a.m.

The match is divided into a maximum of eight stages of six rounds each, for a total of 48 rounds. The stage layout often incorporates two or more six-round strings at one time, lowering the number of stages while maintaining round count. In the ever-changing layout of the stages you will encounter several target styles and sizes including: standard, no-shoot, hard cover, moving, disappearing or hidden cardboard targets as well as reactive steel poppers and plates.

All that is required to be competitive in this competition is a firearm of .380 caliber or above, two magazines or speed loaders, a box of ammunition, and eye and ear protection. The competition is friendly with an opportunity to practice old skills or learn new ones.